Friday, 26 October 2018

Moment in time 3

A moment in time is when you are looking at something but it isn't a story. You don't say I or me, you don't have a opinion you just right about what's happening in the picture. This is it below.


By Noah s

The landscape is full of beautiful fresh colours, blue green white and more.

The sky cloudy and blue, the tips of the mountains white. The yellow dry grass coming down to the fresh new green
trees. Then turning right is the glorious lake, a beautiful blue colour.
The tips of the mountains are reaching for the clouds as they try to grow higher and higher.
Right now the sky was dark blue with wavy silky white clouds, as it towers over everything else in sight!
The sky is stretching out all around the world as the non raining clouds move around watching others like sky
guardians! Next to the white tipped mountains are dark army coloured ones, as they look over the majestic baby
blue water. The baby blue water calm and smooth, as it sits there the shortest of them all looking at the
sky the tallest. The water looked unpolluted as did everything else around him/her.

Now to the left to the beautiful green luscious trees, dark and light all huddled together.
They seem to be a big green family. No leader just brother’s and sister’s young and old.
They also look like they are not endangered by lumberjacks cutting them down and sending them to tree Heaven
or tree Underworld. Up North to the dry lands? Yellow dead and just sitting there looking hopeless. But the dry land
is good there because it is different to the white tipped mountains, the sky, clouds, lake and the enormous family
of trees.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Arahura Marae

Fruit burst maths


 My Narritive


James was watching the speedway, his Blond spiky hair was flying everywhere and mud was all over his Large Adidas clothes and he looked brown from the mud going all over his pale skin. His sister Lauren was nowhere to be seen so he went down to the trees to take a leak because the toilets at the speedway were disgusting! When James got down to the trees he started to pee and then he found out that he was peeing on a bunch of red strawberry smelling flowers so James turned around and starts to pee the other way but the wind was coming that way so the pee went all over his clothes, so James had to stop peeing and go more into the trees so he could finish off his business, when he got back to the speedway he saw his sister Lauren with her Nike clothes on and they also were covered in mud just like his clothes but they were small not large, instead of Blonde spiky hair Lauren had Black long silky hair. ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM mud flying in Laurens and James’s faces and then we heard there mum yelling from the car “Where’s my phone” James looked at his pocket and said nothing and Lauren was not listening because she was watching Dad race and then they heard BOOM CRASH and they heard and saw a car roll James and Lauren looked at what number it was and then mum heard Lauren and James scream “AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH”. James and Lauren were waiting at home while mum was at the Hospital waiting for dad's results from Dr Macshift, mum had to get the next door neighbor to let James stay with them, James’s friend lived there who is called Kyle he has been James’s friend for two months now. Lauren stayed at her friend Chloes house down the road. 2 months later James woke up in a mysterious looking room and all he remembered was that his dad was dead and shortly after his mum died of cancer, he also remembered that he was staying at a children's home and Kyle visited him and put a needle in his arm. When James actually looked around he saw Kyle sitting in an armchair, James said “Where am I and where is Lauren” Kyle looked surprised that James was awake and then he said “Welcome to Fortine James”. 120 days later James was on a mission and trying to take down a gang that killed for fun, James did a uppercut and then a really hard right kick in the face. James had just taken down a killing gang and they were in prison. James was sweating and the bag over James made him itch finally when Kyle pulled the bag over him he was outside in the beautiful garden with peppermint smelling grass, yellow sunflowers and a bench. When James actually looked at the bench though he saw a teenage girl with black silky hair, James’s jaw fell open and the person sitting on the bench was his little sister Lauren. James was back in his room and was thinking about his mum and also was thinking of how much he has changed, James looked in the mirror and looked how much he changed he was not flabby but instead James had ab’s he also was tan and had enormous muscles on his legs and arms, he also saw how tan he was. James said “This is my new home and I will never leave”. Know that my story is done, go write your own story, it can be about anything you want. THE END

My speech

No Regerts


These three individual sacraments make up the three legged stool.
If you want to learn more then read this slideshow.
One more thing, remember to comment please.


Thursday, 3 May 2018

Water for wildlife

WALT:   Make meaning from text, synthesize information from different texts, make connections between texts, construct a text using careful choice of content, organise and sequence ideas.

Water for humans

WALT: Know what humans needs and that it requires us to be kaitiakitanga (guardians) of our World.  Choose language to engage our audience, write a convincing argument and convey our opinion.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Climate change

WALT:Form and communicate information and ideas clearly, look at statistics
and interpret them, gather, sort and display data, convey and sustain personal
structure an idea, use language features to
persuade, learn about our environment and the impact of humans.

What we had to do?
It is your job to convince the people of New Zealand that Climate change is real and will impact on their lives.  Create a DLO to WOW the people of New Zealand!  You need to convince them about Climate Change and tell them what they can do to help limit the impact. 

Water in the Bible


Identify underlying ideas in text, make and support inferences from texts,
form and express ideas.

What we had to do?
Create a DLO of your choice to show us where you found water in the bible.  
Use pictures and explain the meaning of the verse or story for your audience.   

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Chart the rainfall

Charting the rainfall
1. Place the rain gauge outside in the ground.
2. Each day, record how much rain falls use a google drawing or doc to keep a record.
3. Repeat this everyday for a week.

4. Make a graph to represent the data.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Statistical investigation


  • Write questions for statistical investigations and design a method of collection of data
  • display collected data in an appropriate format
  • make statements about implications or possible actions based on the results of an investigation
  • make conclusions on the basis of statistical investigations.
What we had to do?
In my group a couple of days ago we had to do a Statistical investigation about anything we liked I chose to do it on running and you will know more if you look at my slideshow below.
Hope you like it.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Binary code

WALT: Computational thinking for digital technologies
I hope you like my Binary code and good luck!

Monday, 19 March 2018

Find out about water

WALT: Think critically about texts, use processing and comprehension strategies, integrate and synthesize information, convey and sustain a personal voice, seek feedback.

What we had to do?

My class and I had to write down information about water and we also had to do a book report on the Lorax, we also had to do a video persuading you to read the Lorax.We had to make notes and put stuff that we knew about water on the padlet that our teacher gave to us, I hope you like my slideshow and all of this stuff that I just talked about will be on the slideshow.

Monday, 26 February 2018

My Mihi

For some of our learning today we have been making new mihi's  and updating them, I put new stuff on and so did everyone else in my class, we put new stuff on because we are older which means we can push ourselves more to do more, but mostly we just wanted to do it again to make it better and to sound older because on our old mihi's we sound very different compared to what we sound like now.

                                                        Hope you like it!

Friday, 23 February 2018

Treaty of Waitangi

For learning we started to do the 5 W and the 1 H, which are Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. 

We learnt about the Treaty of Waitangi it was really fun doing work on this and I hope you like what we did.  

Wednesday, 14 February 2018
