Monday, 22 June 2020

Quick write 3

This is my writing and our critera was we had to have a clear beggining, middle and end. we also had to have these four things in it. End of a rainbow. Splitting the atom. The santa parade. The pyrimads. We only had 15 minutes to do it.
Hope you like it and please comment.

Quick write

The big robot santa

Once upon a time there was a boy called James. He was very adventurous and very curious. He was very sporty. His best friend was Martin. He was very very very intelligent. He was a scientist and made a lot of things. His gigantic garage was our hangout. One end there were couches and a table tennis table. Next to it a mini fridge with coke and ice cream. Next to that was our lollie station. Behind this at the back there was an absolute gigantic santa. This was Martin’s workshop. 

He was working on making a giant robotic Santa for the santa parade. He always has a project he is working on. We always hung out here and played PS4 and drank coke. The cool thing about the garage is that it is between our houses. On a piece of land that Martin’s parents owned. I was helping him with this one. The start of the santa parade was throwing candy and stuff but we were at the back. I was controlling it with a PS4 controller which Martin hooked up to the santa. He was making sure it would work. We were both praying it wouldn’t be a disaster like the pyramid experiment failure.

 What happened was that he was trying to use bright lights to multiply pyramids. So we had an idea that if we put it at the end of a rainbow it would work when we put this chemical stuff on it. The rainbow we found was on a hill with a gigantic tree. The rainbow was really bright just how we wanted it. So we put the chemical on it and it started to do something really weird. It started floating and had a strange aura around it. It glowed green for a second and then the tree was aflame. It burned the whole hill and some shops in town. 

He was so humiliated and had lost his reputation. So this santa was to make up for it. He had already spent about a month without sleep to figure out how to split atoms. Splitting the atoms was really hard but he did it. He had some reputation back but he wasn’t there yet. I started to control the santa. Everyone loved the giant robot Santa. At the end I hit X on the controller which shot an fabulous fireworks display out of the santas hand. We were heroes. Everyone in town sat on the rocks and the tiny concrete wall on the flood wall. It was beautiful.
By Noah 🔱
The end.🔱

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