Thursday, 3 May 2018

Water for humans

WALT: Know what humans needs and that it requires us to be kaitiakitanga (guardians) of our World.  Choose language to engage our audience, write a convincing argument and convey our opinion.


  1. Hi Noah my name is Payton from kawakawa primary school and I am a year 7 I really liked your blog post about water for humans. It reminds me of when I made my first ever water cycle in a bag, in room 5 not that long ago this year. Maybe next time you could put some photos and tell us why you actually did this slide about water for humans. If you would like to see my blog go to

  2. Hi Noah it's your blog buddy for the week Dakota from Kawakawa Primary School. I really like you facts and also your questions but I think that you could've added a bit more imformation and added better colours to make it bright and eye catching and also a better font. But overall well done and I can't wait to see more of your posts.

    1. Thanks blog buddy I will think of that for the future.

  3. Hey Noah my name is Te Aroha and I am a year 8 at Kawakawa Primary School. I really like your information on water! It made me really think about how important it really is and how we need to be more weary about looking after our water. Maybe how its presented could use some work but I really liked your language. Great Job Noah keep it up!


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